Housing is a key requirement for every human besides food and clothing.
Housing problem is a problem that has influence in the lives of everyday people.
End - the end of this with increasing human population, and lack of land to build houses, so frequent health problems in the home and surroundings.
Definition of a healthy home is a home that can meet the physical and spiritual needs are viable as a shelter or protection from the influence of the great outdoors.
Physical needs such as physical needs are met sperti read, write, rest, and others.
Spiritual needs, for example, protection against disease, weather, wind and so forth.
Things - things to consider in a home environment if want a good and healthy environments are:
1. Trash - trash at a residence can be overcome by means discarded waste disposal location (away from the neighborhood), or by making a hole waste, by hoarding or managed to make manure.
2. Stagnant water, stagnant water should not be more than a week, because it can be used as breeding grounds for mosquitoes, this problem can be overcome by making a trench - a ditch or gutter so that water can flow.
3. Water Sources (wells), construction is good and qualified, should be considered when making the well, the minimum distance from the source of dirty water (septick tanks, wells, sewer who is not water) is 7 feet, so that wells are not contaminated.
4. Plants around the houses, shady trees will result in a dark and humid environment, tried to be early morning sun may shine the house, unobstructed by trees
5. Sometimes animals (usually for a house in the countryside), located endeavored not to get too close to home, especially pembungan dirt, can be made a place - a specific place and can be used as

If using bamboo rafters, must be considered in cutting bamboo, cultivated his cuts right to the segment, if not the end of the bamboo, to avoid moisture and become a nest of mice.
2. Floor of the house.
Should always be dry, the floor height must be adapted to local conditions, the floor should be higher than ground level.
3. The placement of the ceiling.
Made in such a way that there is still a space between, the space between the roof and ceiling, so that people can enter in to clean up and repair space.
4. The house walls.
If the double wall is made there should be no space between, because will be a rat's nest, and when made of bricks or the like attempted using the correct mixture composition can be found here.
5. The slope of the roof angle.
The slope of the roof adapted to the material to be used, so that rainwater can flow properly.
The roof of natural materials = 30 degrees
Roof tiles = 25 degrees
Asbestos roofing, zinc = 15 degrees.
a. In the tropics, everyone needs air air 500 lt / hour up to 1500 lt / hour.
b. Wind speed or air channeled through ventelasi at a height of 2 meters from the face of the ground an average of about 0.01 to 0.5 m / lt. In a healthy home air requirements can be met by considering ventelasi hole in the house, in a way calculated as follows:
Q = K.A
Q = volume of air in the room
A = Area of hole ventelasi
Coefficient K = (0.6 to 0.8 for wind direction ventelasi), (0.3 to 0.4 for wind direction angle of 45 dating).

Needs a light (er).
1. Image space = 300 lux
2. Space School = 150 lux
3. Residence space = 125 lux
Comparison with the window wide floor area.
1. Work space, large windows 1 / 5 a 1 / 3 of floor space
2. School room, wide window of 1 / 6 a 1 / 3 of floor space
3. Residence room, spacious windows 1 / 8 a 1 / 6 of floor space
4. The sick room, large windows 1 / 5 ¼ a floor area
5. Angle of incidence greater or equal to 27 degrees premises.
6. View angle greater than 5 degrees.