When buying wood door, get a cheap price is what you want, in addition to a type of wood and a nice design, especially with finishing an impressive luxury. You definitely think it would be easy to maintain. But unfortunately, sometimes undercooked planning. As a result, a myriad of problems you were forced to endure.
"Caring" has become a liability that must be implemented, let alone to the door of the house every day held. To treat a wooden door, at least you should know, for what treatment. Yes, indeed he said that would not quickly broken. But broken how?
People assume, treat the wood door synonymous with caring for finishing outside the home, which is to provide protection to more durable wood. But this kind of care less guarantee the durability of the door, because sometimes the accuracy of factors, such as wood elements and the influence of the local environment, less attention. Treatment of wood doors is to protect the wood from outside influences, in addition to wood doors add a nice appearance. However, treatment of wood is not quite done from the outside, due to wood preservation and drying needs. While the length of time the use of wood, depending on the type of wood and quality preservation.
According to Ir. Suhud SOE, the former regional head of Jambi forest, basically all the timber has been felled, in which there are wood destroying organisms that every moment will damage the wood from the inside. So if we only do the treatment from the outside only, destruction from within by the powder dry wood, termites, and marine worm attacks can still happen. In the climatic conditions of Indonesia, various kinds of wood destroying organisms easily flourish.
According to one source, currently 80-85% of wood supply in Indonesia has a low durability (Class III - IV), even in Jakarta almost 90% of the outstanding wood is not durable. So if we want to avoid difficulties in caring for the door, and not wasted later on, we need a careful planning. Suppose that until there is damage to the door, repairs are also relatively lightweight.
Depending on the condition Door
If the door is wood used from quality materials, which has undergone a process of drying and curing, then the treatment is relatively mild. The door stayed kept to a durable and still look new, no squeaks, and do not often slammed. But if you use inferior materials, you will encounter a myriad of issues, ranging from finishing fade, assault wood destroying organisms such as termites, dry wood powder, mushrooms pelapuk, until the cracks due to shrinkage, even the doors can not be closed due to expansion or twisted. Not to mention if you use the wrong materials in the wrong place, so in addition to treatment, it is also necessary to repair the damage is not getting worse. But it can all be prevented if early perencanannya are correct.
Problems with the Doors
* Squeaks or drag on the sliding door
Usually this problem occurs due to lubricant on the hinges and rails has dried up, even rusted. It really is not too problematic, but it will feel uncomfortable when we are asleep at midnight, woke up just as the door creaks. In addition, the lifetime of the hinges and rails was reduced due to wear, until we have reached into the pocket to buy a new one.
To overcome this, regularly once a month the door hinges were used lubricating oil. Then the doors shake, so that the oil seeped into the slit and lubricate evenly, until deritnya missing. If we do not have the used lubricating oil, you can use a mixture of kerosene and cooking oil with the same comparison.
* Frequent crashes due to wind
It will make the slot becomes damaged. Moreover, if the door is only made of wood frame with low quality, even just a double-coated plywood. Consequently, deformation at the joints. In the long run, the door can not be closed due to swipe the floor or sill.

To prevent this, we could put a retaining wall or prop the door on the door of our own making.
* Swiping floors or sills
This is sometimes upset. But it would be more upset if not immediately treated. On this kind of double doors teak wood or plywood, friction will cause the wood layers upon layers of peeling wood fiber direction. Moreover, if located in damp places and tend to be watery, each sheet of veneer will be easy to peel. Drag due to friction can also occur due to deformation of the connection, hinges worn or dislodged by the weight of the door is too heavy, even wood expansion.
This issue should be reviewed further. Deformation at the connection that occurs because the type of wood is too soft, even rotten, should receive special treatment, even if you need to be replaced with new wood. But if the result hinges worn or dislodged, it can be repaired or replaced with new ones. However, if caused by the expansion of wood, these doors can be removed and disasah (cut) on the rubbing. Expansion of timber can be prevented if the wood used is completely dry.
* Tenuous and fractured

This problem occurs because of shrinkage. Usually this is clearly visible on the door panels, as the volume shrinks board and did not blend with the case. Depreciation is a result of the use of wet wood and dry when the door has not been made. Consequently, after the door so and affected the weather, which makes the volume shrinkage arises wood is reduced, even to crack.
If the gap is too large, the improvement can be achieved by removing the panels. Brush the sides of wooden boards that give rise to cracks with epoxy glue, then patched using the same type of wood from the door. Then pressing done to reduce the gap in the new patch. If the gap is only slightly, we can mendempulnya with materials in accordance with the finishing door, then we close with the final finishing of the door.
* Color finishes faded and cracked
This occurs because the influence of weather (direct sunlight and rain water waves) or the outer coating properties of wood (finish) does not contain color pigments are not weather resistant and elastic, so it can not follow the expansion-wood shrinkage (deformation). Usually this occurs in type melamik.
According Aceng Muhaemin, Marketing PT Propan Jaya, if the door is already cracked, it is better cleaned and exfoliated with sandpaper or paint remover, there was a repainting. Try using a finishing material that is elastic, waterproof (water repellent), which can release water moisture in the wood (permeable), and resistant to sunlight (UV absorber), both the pigment color and material. To maintain the cleanliness of the door, finishing materials is crucial. The door can be wiped with a damp cloth when using a special varnish or duco finish. But if we use regular polish, could dioleh door with teak oil. Meanwhile, the melamine can be cleaned by applying wax. To be more durable wooden door again, keep the door from the influence of direct sunlight, for example, given the blinds or sun shading and overstek and eaves as a protector.
* Rot and fungus

This problem occurs because the wood is not preserved and is located in a humid place.
Wood is dried, then cleaned in the soft and moldy. The cleaner, the better the adhesion of finishing materials that will be reapplied to the timber. As a protector, use a coating material that is water repellent and permeable evenly, not to miss any one area. You need to check regularly to avoid cracks or defects in the paint, so that water can not enter into the wood.